Life Hacks: Budget Halloween

Budget Halloween

Halloween is a lot of fun and only sad losers say they are too old to dress up but, going crazy on Halloween can get rather costly so I’m here to provide you with some tips to have the most amount of fun without bankrupting yourself.

Picture Credit goes to Lydia Davies (currently posted without her permission because she's in work)

Picture Credit goes to Lydia Davies (currently posted without her permission because she’s in work)

Costume Tips:

  • Remember there are some shops that will be invaluable to you; The Works, Primark, Tesco and any discount craft of clothes shops. Also Poundland never forget this wonderful place.
  • If your costume involves something which is currently in fashion that will save you a load of money, you’ll be able to get cheap versions from tons of cheap clothes shops, as it’s only a costume it won’t matter about price and no worries for customisation. Continue reading

Life Hacks: A Colourful Kitchen

Before I begin, I both apologise and acknowledge that to most readers this will be rather dry and dull but I’m childishly excited to write it.
I love old crockery, cups, mugs, kitchenware. All of it, the older the better. Alongside this I also love anything that’s rather bright because for me, cooking was never a particularly enjoyable experience but when I moved to university I was left with no choice but to cook for myself and so headed off, over three years ago, with a friend, to trawl the charity shops of Swansea and begin my collection of kitchenware. This is point where most people will go ‘I’m so not interested’. That’s fine, I get it. I’ll never read about your collection of old belts and watch straps and so life goes on happily. Continue reading

An Autumn Shade: Embracing Berry

Normally I’m not a girl who will go for a season-dictated style but this year I’m finding myself utterly desperate for all things wine & berry coloured so I’m going to share the few little bits I’ve picked up. Not much but it’s enough to satisfy me that I’m doing my part for consumerism and the lovely autumn aesthetic.


It’s a delicious, deep, dark reddy/purple/wine colour which doesn’t cross the narrow border into a-bit-too-Goth. Continue reading

Rules To Live By: Facebook

Everyone in the world now uses facebook, but if by some miracle you are not one of them then here are some rules to help you join the facebook world and not instantly alienate everyone you know. Just some simple things to remember to keep everyone happy, in no particular order:

  1. Facebook is a great way to get in touch with old friends but it is only acceptable to ‘Like’ really old photos of these friends immediately after befriending them, then you’re just seeing what they’ve been up to. Do this after being friends for a few months and it gets creepy.  They will assume you don’t only like the photo but in fact them. Continue reading

Life Hacks: Getting A New Car

Adopting Henrietta

Recently my good friend Angelo the Hyundai could no longer fulfil his role as my primary mode of transportation so I had to go through the difficult time of buying a new car, here is my tale, hopefully it’ll help those of you in a similar situation to make the right choice in your quest for fine travel. Continue reading

Life Hacks: Woes Of The Curly-Haired

As recently promised, I am here to share the bits and tips I have gathered over the years about how best to manage your curly hair and how to care for it. Currently I have no structure in mind for this so…go with it. Continue reading