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As a 22 year old graduate with a BA in English Literature I have found myself at something of a loose end. With no desire to teach and only a half-formed desire to continue my studies, I am instead choosing to consume vast amounts of culture and return it to wider circles after I have swilled it around in my mind a little and come out with some thoughts on it.
I am a fiercely passionate feminist and am, in-part, dedicating my time to breaking down myths and stereotypes which engender sexism and continue to hold people within the tightly-structured frames of our Western culture. My current ‘active effort’ is a short column I write for a weekly newspaper, often discussing sexism in media and the news in the past week.
Alongside my loves of literature and feminism I am a make-up and beauty addict and can never resist a good bargain or a must-have product so hopefully I’ll be sharing with you my good finds and maybe a few Face of the Day features. I love to cook but unfortunately I’m not very good at it so will probably list all of the recipes I want to eat and rely on other people to prepare them.
For my ‘Favourite’ I have chosen a quote from Albert Einstein. Whenever I am drifting and searching for something to share I will almost always turn to literature and theatre.

“If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies…. It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.”

Irving’s Words



I’m a Postgraduate student in Swansea University, currently doing an Ma in creative writing with every intention of carrying on to the PhD, if I can get the money…Anyone? No? OK. I spend most of my free time playing games, watching and judging films and TV, reading and contemplating the meaning of it all, in that order. I mainly write plays for my degree so you won’t be seeing too much of that on here though I may post some extracts now and again.
My life involves a constant quest for fear so I watch/read/play a lot of horror based things so I’ll be letting you know how that’s going through some blogs. So far I’ve found games are good at it, films are crap, and books never really try all that hard, too much time for explanation I guess. I also get very angry about some things and as that’s what the internet is for you’ll be hearing about that too, don’t worry I’ll try to keep it light.
How about some favourite stuff then? I love animals, particularly dogs, cats are mediocre in comparison. Anyway my favourite author is Neil Gaiman, my favourite film is…I have no idea, maybe ‘In Bruges’? I also have a deep, powerful love for Pixar. My favourite game series is ‘Silent Hill’ I can’t decide which one is best but ‘Origins’ is the worst, by miles. So there you have it, a quick scope of my taste can let you make an informed decision whether or not to listen to my reviews/rants…by listen to I of course mean read and pay attention.
I will leave you with some profound words of wisdom from a rather generic film, though I guess it was the first of its kind; ‘Road Trip’

Of course it’s difficult, that’s why it’s called a short cut. If it was easy it would just be “the way”’



Two Girls One Adventure



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